



The Most Value Packed Workbook For Effortlessly Aligning With Your High Self-esteem, Self-assurance, and Ultimate Life Goals.

Without complex rituals, toxic positivity, and having to check for “signs” from the universe.

What is Chakra Healing?

Chakra healing is a breakthrough approach to harmonizing mind, body, and spirit, unlocking your fullest potential for manifesting, balance, and profound inner peace.

all while reducing anxiety, stress, and low self esteem…

You’ll develop life changing skills allowing you to…

Cultivate resilience in the face of challenges.

Build powerful habits for sustainable success

Enhance emotional intelligence for better relationships

And nurture self-confidence and assertiveness...

Allowing you to become a fearless and thriving person in your career today…

And go onto excel at college, your career, your business, your relationships and beyond…

We achieve this by teaching you the basic principles of chakra healing…

By providing you with a fun and interactive experience you can go through at your own pace…

Then, showing you how to apply it in the real world by starting your journey of mindfulness.

As a result in the next 28 days…

You’ll develop skills most people won’t learn until they have years of therapy.

Enabling you to confidently pursue your goals…

And inspire you to discover your unique gifts, talents, conquer adversity, and overflow with confidence.

In short:

You will be CHAKRA HEALED!

Now Available For Instant Access

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Chakra Healing is a shortcut to manifesting and anxiety management.

Chakra healing is a breakthrough approach to harmonizing mind, body, and spirit, unlocking your fullest potential for manifesting, balance, and profound inner peace.

all while reducing anxiety, stress, and low self esteem…

You’ll develop life changing skills allowing you to…

nurture self-confidence and assertiveness...

communicate more effectively with other people

become more resilient and flexible to new changes

Allowing you to become a fearless and thriving person in your career today…

And go onto excel at college, your career, your business, your relationships and beyond…

We achieve this by teaching you the basic principles of chakra healing…

By providing you with a fun and interactive experience you can go through at your own pace…

Then, showing you how to apply it in the real world by starting your journey of mindfulness.

As a result in the next 28 days…

You’ll develop skills most people won’t learn until they have years of therapy.

Enabling you to confidently pursue your goals…

And inspire you to discover your unique gifts, talents, conquer adversity, and overflow with confidence.

In short:

You will be CHAKRA HEALED!


chakra healing workbook

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The Most Powerful System to Improve your Anxiety Management and Manifesting Abilities

Picture giving yourself everything you need to manifest your ultimate desires and put you on the right track for inner peace. That is what I put inside this chakra healing book.

Heres What This Means For You

Right now we are constantly bombarded with notifications,  status updates,  news postings, and an endless scroll of videos.

We are in the period of information overload.

And stack that on top of our economy making it harder and harder for us to reach our financial goals.

It’s no wonder we are all burnout and stressed more than ever before.

But the result of this is one thing and one thing only…

You dont get the right opportunities to take care of your mind so that you can manifest regardless of the things that are going on in the external world.

And if you go through your career and relationships like this…

It will likely produce difficulty in advancing your natural gifts and abilities…which leads to lack of fulfillment in your career…which leads to increased irritability, fear, and outbursts …. and ultimately more strained relationships.

So what can we do?

We can’t put the ultimate blame on society (although that would be the easy thing to do), because everyday we have the power to make our own choices that lead to our ideal lives.

If we want to help ourselves become better and more resilient, capable of getting anything we want out of our life.

We have to take charge of our mind.


Specialized Mindfulness is The Key

And what I found to be the most effective is developing mindfulness skills through chakra healing.

Mindfulness skills that give you what you need to excel in the world today.

So you can get better manifesting abilities, a better career, better relationships and move towards a path for success.

In short: To become chakra healed!

Chakra healing is the pathway to unlocking the full potential of our inner energy, aligning mind, body, and spirit for profound healing and transformation.

Deepak Chopra

Doctor & Alternative Medicine Advocate

In Our World Today, We Can Categorize People into Two Different Types…

And things have only been getting better and better for just ONE type.

The first type is people who have fallen into victimhood of life’s circumstances.

You see this type with people who consistently talk negatively about their life, their job, their relationships, their pets, almost everything.

The second type is people who have recognized that they are the creators of their reality.

They’re the ones who do all they can to not let their emotions take the driver’s wheel…..

…utilize opportunities

…console the “type 2’s”

and are a part of spreading kindness and joy to their community…

What side you land on is entirely based upon you. 

Because chakra healing will help you succeed and thrive in whatever you do.

Do You Have the Skills to Cope with the Hard Times of Everyday Life?

If you have scrolled through Tiktok…

you can see that so many people are battling with feeling like they are not enough.

That society is nothing but a matrix waiting to swallow them whole with bills, mudane routines, and lack of fufillment.

In fact, 37 % of respondents in the U.S. indicated that they were more anxious in 2023 than they were the year before!

And the reality is….

it takes additional work on top of therapy in order to make it in today’s world and economy.

And That's Why I Developed the Chakra Healing Workbook

….to help empower you to be proactive in making your life joyful and purposeful.

…live that are filled with courage.

…so you can be, do, and have, everything you ever dreamed of.

Meet your guide.

Sabrina Valdivia

Hi there! Let me introduce myself. I am a marriage family therapist pre licensed counselor and spiritual holistic guide. I aim to help women overcome all the tenets of self doubt and anxiety.

I have achieved an ecstatic transformation for myself and my clients after diving deep into spirituality and learning about the ins and outs of psychology.

Even after constant childhood bullying, self doubt, and self consciousness from having type 1 diabetes.

I was able to turn my life around and do a COMPLETE 180.

No more being a people pleaser. No more caring about what random people think about me. No more missing opportunities that could have helped accomplish my goals faster. And now, I want to teach this exact method to you.

Throw away all the self development books and step into the world of nurturing your soul and your mind with me by your side.

Here's What You'll Be Reading

Chakra Basics

Most people have no idea where to start with chakra healing. I break it down to the basics to help you understand and know what each energy point means in addition to what it means to be in harmony and out of harmony.

Crystal Cleanse Techniques

Even if the effects of crystal cleansing techniques are partially attributed to the placebo effect, the psychological empowerment gained from the ritual can be profound.

Engaging in cleansing rituals can instill a sense of control, intentionality, and belief in the individual’s ability to influence their own well-being, thus contributing to feelings of empowerment, optimism, and positive intentions.

Crown Chakra

Belief in a higher power often can encourage virtues such as compassion, empathy, gratitude, and humility. That’s why developing a deep connection to the divine (God, universe, Allah, whichever you go by) is SO important.

Third Eye Chakra

Part of manifesting and inner peace is obtaining a balance between inner guidance and logic. This cannot be acheived if there is confusion, lack of clarity, or a disconnect. This part helps with that.

Throat Chakra

Are you able to show up as your most authentic self with communication skills that speaks volumes? Run through this to have a plan ready to go. 

Solar Plexus Chakra

Every person who has manifested positive outcomes and who has achieved inner peace has cultivated the skill of loving themselves fully. Do you have a sense of self-esteem and confidence? Work through this section to find out.

Heart Chakra

We could all benefit from fine-tuning and developing our connection with others to increase our ability to manifest and manage anxieties. The heart chakra embodies healthy relationships.

Sacral Chakra

Create a positive tone for the sacral chakra to create a path for a healthy flow of emotions.  It can get difficult to experience feelings of pleasure and satisfaction in the world today. This is how we solve that.

Root Chakra

This is essentially one of the most important chakras to master out of all of them. The root chakra, at the base of the spine, is the foundation and it covers fear, anxiety, and instability. 

Meditation and Yoga Techniques

Now you are ready to implement the different meditation and yoga techniques used to heal each blockage from each chakra. With the interactive questions, you can record insights to keep in track of your results. 

Visualization and Manifesting

Are you ready to take on visualization and manifesting? Follow these critical guidelines to succeed. These are powerful guidelines I have used and have learned from others who have manifested with massive results.

…Plus Fun Quizzes At The End of Each Section to Help Internalize Each Concept!

And before you make the decision to purchase, I want to reassure you of complete transparancy.

I understand that the price I’m offering this at is exceptionally low, and it might seem like there’s something hidden involved.

You might be questioning why I am giving it away for such a low price if it works so well.

I am aware of other websites that offer seemingly great deals but then enroll you in ongoing programs that charge your card monthly.

Rest assured, this is not one of those situations.

There are no hidden “continuity programs” or anything of the sort.

I genuinely believe in the value of this chakra healing workbook, and offering it at $12 as a way to showcase what I have to offer and to establish a positive relationship with you.

My hope is that you’ll appreciate the workbook and that this will mark the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship for years to come. However, it’s important to keep one thing in mind:


Try the program for 7 days, risk-free

With past happy clients, I feel confident that this workbook is going to offer you an incredible transformation.

But I do know that the best way to gain you trust would be to offer this workbook risk free! I know that this workbook might not be for everyone.

But here is my promise to you.

If within the first seven days of the workbook, you decide that it’s not for you, or not the right time, no hard feelings. Just send me an email and I will refund your entire tuition.

All that I ask if that you promise me to implement the action plans within the workbook.

And since you have made it this far, I am assumming you are ready to get yours!

Questions You May Have.

What is Chakra Healing?

Chakra healing is a holistic approach to wellness that focuses on balancing the body’s energy centers, known as chakras. According to ancient Indian spiritual traditions, chakras are believed to be spinning wheels or vortexes of energy located along the spine, each corresponding to different aspects of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Chakra healing aims to restore balance and harmony within these energy centers by identifying and addressing imbalances or blockages that stop people from achieving their ultimate desires.

How is this different from other products?

Unlike traditional self-help books or generic workbooks, the Chakra Healing Workbook specifically offers a comprehensive guide that combines various modalities drawing from psychology, mindfulness, energy healing, ancient teachings and more to address the root causes of imbalance and promote overall well-being.

One key difference is the workbook’s focus on chakra healing as a pathway to inner harmony and empowerment. Rather than offering generic advice or quick fixes, it provides in-depth explanations of each chakra’s significance, along with targeted exercises and practices to restore balance and vitality.

This personalized approach allows you to address their unique needs and challenges, fostering deeper levels of healing and self-awareness. The workbook is designed to be interactive, with journaling prompts, reflection exercises, and actionable steps that encourage active engagement and participation in the healing process.

What payment methods are accepted?

Payment methods that are accepted include: Visa; MasterCard; American Express; Discover; JCB; UnionPay

Is my payment information secure?

Rest assured, your payment information is encrypted and securely handled, ensuring the utmost protection of your sensitive data.

What is the refund policy?

Yes.  If you find that the workbook is not right for you within 7 days, contact me and I will give you a 100% refund. You even get to keep the book. 

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The Chakra Healing Workbook is designed to provide guidance and support for individuals seeking personal development and spiritual well-being. However, it is crucial to note that this course is not intended to serve as a replacement for professional mental health therapy or counseling. While the content may offer insights and tools to enhance your overall well-being, it is not a substitute for individualized, therapeutic interventions tailored to address specific mental health concerns. Participants are encouraged to consult with a licensed mental health professional if they are experiencing severe or persistent emotional distress, anxiety, or other mental health issues. The workbook is not equipped to diagnose, treat, or manage mental health disorders. It is essential to prioritize your mental health, and if you are currently under the care of a mental health professional, it is recommended to continue with any prescribed treatments or therapies. The creator of this workbook assumes no responsibility for any adverse effects, consequences, or outcomes resulting from the application of the workbook material. The workbook is designed for educational purposes and personal growth, and any decisions made based on its content are the sole responsibility of the participant. By buying the Chakra Healing Workbook, participants acknowledge that they have read and understood this disclaimer and agree to use the workbook content responsibly, recognizing its limitations in addressing complex mental health issues.

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