Learning to let go of someone you love is crucial when manifesting because if not, it can create emotional clutter, lower your vibration, and block the way for new opportunities. Letting go of someone can come with complex emotions and much pain. However, beautiful...
Let’s face it. Everyone’s talking about crystals and how they can ward off negative energy. But, can these so-called powerful stones help with anxiety, too? Does tiger’s eye help with anxiety? Can it give you superpowers? Spoiler alert: it probably...
Manifesting is a process that requires embodying a high vibration from thinking and feeling positively to attract one’s ultimate desires. As we know, this is easier said than done but what if I told you there are tools to help amplify your ability to manifest? In...
Will acknowledging anxiety as a potential cause of slurred speech spark a broader conversation on the links between the mind and the body? Can anxiety cause slurred speech? The link between the mind and the body is not discussed enough, but it is evident! Learning...
A recent study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology reveals a startling truth: despite the growing awareness of self-care’s importance, many of us still struggle to prioritize it in our lives. The study conducted by researchers at Harvard University...
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About the Author ヽ(•‿•)ノ:
Hi! I'm Sabrina. I am a limited licensed professional clinical counselor and a mindfulness guide. I am here to help you manifest by eliminating painful and repeating belief systems. I have helped hundreds of people minimize their anxiety and improve their mindfulness skills.