
The Ultimate Guide to Vision Boards

Of course, you heard about vision or dream boards before, right? Vision boards has been on and poppin since 2008! Well, let’s dive into a deeper exploration of vision boards with topics that are often missed. 

This visual representation of your goals within a vision board can be such a dynamic force in boosting your self-esteem and manifesting your desires into reality. It can also help guide you towards a more confident self. 

But, do vision board really work?

The effectiveness of vision boards is subjective and varies from person to person. From my experience, it has worked 90% of the time. Why 90 and not 100? Because although I have set in stone my biggest goals on my vision boards sometimes it changes mid-year. Sometimes only a few get manifested.

But there is no fret in that.

Any goals that have not been accomplished that year can always be placed on the next vision board for the next year. Plus, even seeing some of your goals getting accomplished, boosts your faith in the manifestation process which is helpful for when you actually need to trust the process. 

And the science behind vision boards?

You know I couldn’t have created this ultimate vision board guide without including at least SOME science.

The science shows that our brain is trainable and can even rewire itself through our brain’s neurons. One of the most powerful ways to rewire our brain is through visualization.

One study even found that 1 in 5 successful entrepreneurs use vision boards.

AND, visualization helps with increasing clarity and reducing doubt.

Sounds like a win-win to me.


How long does it take for a vision board to work?

The time it takes to accomplish goals on a vision board depends on your own faith and determination. 

The more you truly believe it will happen for you, the more likely it will come to life. The more resistance you have, the longer it will take. And the same goes for determination.

Should I share my vision board with others?

The vision boards that have worked for me, were vision boards that I have not shared with anyone other than the family that I live with since they would see it day to day.

Did it still work? Yes, but I can’t say it worked fully. Each year I have a few pictures left on my vision board that have gone unaccomplished. But the goals that I did not accomplish each year are very few in themselves. 

See what works best for you and I would love to hear your side of the story as well, so I can share it with others and add it to this post.

Which one is better: Physical or Digital Vision Boards?

I have used both and both have worked for me when I used it at the same time. I am not too sure about using a digital one on its own, but I have used a physical one on it’s own which worked very well too. Definitely, try experimenting and see which one works the best for you.

When deciding between physical, digital, or both, it’s also good to look at the pros and the cons to help you make a decision.


Pros for Physical Vision Board

  • Some people feel a deeper emotional connection to their goals when they physically handle and engage with a tangible vision board.
  • Creating a physical vision board can be a mindful, offline activity that helps you disconnect from screens and focus on your goals.
  • You can get creative with physical materials like magazines, scissors, and glue, allowing for a more hands-on, artistic experience.


Cons for Physical Vision Board

  • Making changes to a physical vision board can be more challenging than editing a digital one. If your goals or priorities evolve, updating a physical board may require more effort.
  • Creating a physical vision board requires magazines, printing materials, and other physical resources, which may not be readily available.
  • Physical vision boards take up physical space and may not be as easily transportable as their digital counterparts.


Pros for Digital Vision Board

  • Some people feel a deeper emotional connection to their goals when they physically handle and engage with a tangible vision board.
  • Making changes and updates to a digital vision board is typically easier, allowing you to adapt your goals as needed.
  • You can get creative with physical materials like magazines, scissors, and glue, allowing for a more hands-on, artistic experience.


Cons for Digital Vision Board

  • Some people may want to reduce their screen time and find that a digital vision board contributes to increased exposure to electronic devices.
  • Technical problems, such as device malfunctions or connectivity issues, can hinder the accessibility and usability of a digital vision board.
  • The process of creating a digital vision board may lack the tactile and sensory experience that some individuals find beneficial.

Where do I even create a digital vision board?

A few apps currently on the market for vision board creation are Vision Board Maker app (IOS), Vision Board Perfectly Happy (IOS), VISUAPP (Android), MyGoals (Android) and good ole Canva


How do I create a physical vision board?

1. Setting the Foundation: Define Your Goals in Key Areas

Begin by reflecting on the specific areas of your life where you want to improve.

What is your present self like? Which habits would you like to more of? Which habits would you like to less of? A great place to start with this is my free Mindful Growth Bundle that has a tracker for anxiety and self-esteem symptoms AND mindfulness habits. 

Whether it’s in your career, education, finances, family relationships, friendships, or personal growth, clarity is the first step towards manifestation.

2. Choosing Your Visual Elements: Images and Affirmations

Collect images, quotes, and positive affirmations that resonate with each goal you wish to embody. All of these things should spark positive emotions within you and feel aligned.

3. Create your vision board

Here comes the fun part where you walk into Micheals, Joann’s, Hobby Lobby or Walmart and go crazy in the arts and crafts section.

No, just kidding. But really…

Collect images, quotes, and positive affirmations that resonate with each goal you wish to embody. All of these things should spark positive emotions within you and feel aligned.

I like to pair each of my images with an inspiring quote or word. Feel free to let your imagination run wild.  Get creative with it.

Vision Board Ideas to Get you Inspired

4. Visualize your Success Consistently

Place your vision board somewhere where you KNOW you will see it every single day. I recommend adding reminders of your vision board too in a planner. 

For some reason, writing it out in a planner is just icing on the cake. 

You will start to see yourself thinking and planning out actionable goals that lead to your manifested desire. 


Vision boards are a must-have in your journey to mental wellness and manifestation. Whether it’s a physical vision board or a digital vision board, any one that is made to resonate and spark joy within you will help to bring those goals into reality. It’s as simple as figuring out what you would like to improve on or obtain and crafting it.

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